Friday 8 August 2014

Bread Rolls Recipe

Bread Roll

Bread with potato filling makes a mouthwatering snack. Thia's a perfect snack with afternoon tea or served as an appetizer. Bread Potato Rolls are crunchy outside, spicy and soft inside. Easy to prepare.

Makes 8 Bread Rolls


4 bread slices, (bread should be firm)
2 medium size potatoes boiled peeled & mashed
1/4 cup green peas, boiled
1 teaspoon oil
1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon red chili powder
1/2 teaspoon mango powder
1 tablespoon Cilantro, finely chopped
1 green chili minced; adjust to taste
1 teaspoon ginger,finely chopped
Oil to fry


Step 1:-
Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the cumin seed. When the cumin seed starts to crack, add green peas, green chili, and ginger, and stir for a few seconds.
Add the potatoes and all the spices i.e. chili powder, mango powder, salt, cilantro and stir-fry for a minute. Turn off the heat.
Taste the mixture,it should be a little spicier than you like, as it'll taste milder inside the bread. Set aside
Trim the edges of the bread slices and cut them into two pieces. Set aside.

Step 2 :-
Roll 1½ tablespoons of the mixture at a time into an oval shape. Make twelve rolls.
Fill a small bowl with water to wet the bread. Dip one side of a slice of the bread lightly in the water. Place the slice between your palms and press, squeezing out the excess water. This makes the bread

Step 3:-
Place the filling in the center of this bread & mold the bread to completely cover it all around, giving an oval shape. Repeat to make all the rolls. Before frying, let them sit for about five minutes.

Step 4 :-
Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium high heat. Drop the rolls slowly into it, taking care not to overlap them.
Fry the bread rolls until they are golden brown, turning occasionally. This should take about two to three minutes. Take them out over a paper towel.
Serve them hot with hari cilantro chutney and tamarind sweet & sour chutney.